Thank you for considering the ProEssentials custom controls. The ProEssentials consist of three controls known as the: Graph Object, Scientific Graph Object, and the Pie Chart Object. All functionality resides in one DLL. The controls can be implemented via the DLL, VBX, or both VBX plus DLL. The VBX implementation is provided via three small VBX interfaces. The controls can receive mouse and keyboard commands. The most common commands are: Double Click - - - - Shows a Customization Dialog. Right Button Click - Shows a popup menu. ***************** *** IMPORTANT *** ***************** Before running the demo, it is recommended you perform the following two tasks. [1]----------------------------------------------------------- The ProEssentials contain OLE functionality which requires that certain files be in your path. Move the following files into your Windows directory. PEGRAPHS.DLL ProEssentials DLL (demo edition) PEGRAPHS.HLP End-User help on ProEssentials controls PEGRPSVR.EXE ProEssentials Graphic Server (ole-miniserver) [2]----------------------------------------------------------- Use REGEDIT.EXE (found in your Windows directory) to merge PEGRPSVR.REG -OR- from File Manager Double-Click PEGRPSVR.REG. -------------------------------------------------------------- -- SOME THINGS TO TRY ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Resize the Demo program's window. Notice how the ProEssentials will not allow graph labels to overlap. The ProEssentials can be used to generate high-quality data-driven images which you can rely upon. 2) Notice the Scrolling/Comparison Subsets and Scrolling Points functionality. Images are prepared in memory. 3) Export an image as an OLE object to MS Write or other OLE container. You can then double-click the image to invoke the OLE server PEGRPSVR. Also, try some of the OLE verbs which allow you to in-place-edit the embedded image. 4) Be sure to export some images to your printer. The images will print quickly. 5) Notice the context-sensitive help. Give the focus to any ProEssentials based control (exp: FontSize radio group selection of a customization dialog) and press the F1 key. ------------------------------------------------------------- -- WHEN YOUR DONE ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Delete all the demo files and don't forget to use REGEDIT.EXE to remove PE Graphic Server from the registration database. ------------------------------------------------------------- -- TO ASK ANY QUESTIONS CALL OR FAX ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- GigaSoft, Inc. Phone: (817) 431-8470 Fax: (817) 431-9860